Dentistry is a branch of medicine that combines a variety of Zabo-
Levani maxillofacial, oral mucosa, teeth
and neck. Among all human ailments are the most common lesions
of the teeth, the neglect of treatment which involves a variety of complications
inflammatory (abscess, cellulitis, osteomyelitis), threatening
health, and in severe cases, a person's life.
In patients with teeth, in the absence of even a few, not an act of perfect
mechanical processing of food, which affects the condition of the stomach and ki-
muscular tract, contributes to gastritis, gastric ulcer, two-
According to the statistics very vysoktravmatizm, including the face, where the dominance-
UT fractures of the facial skeleton: the upper and lower jaw, cheekbone,
the nose, orbit. Properly rendered first aid - its methods outlined in
this chapter - the fate of the victim and make it easier to improve prognosis.
The emergence of neoplastic processes of maxillofacial area - Nered-
some phenomenon. Knowing their characteristics will allow an early stage of development
tumors refer to specialists and to provide more favorable research-
the course.
Affect dentistry and is very common, such disturbing
for human phenomena such as toothache, bad breath, blood
over from the gums after tooth extraction - all of which violate customary
sense of health and beauty of the face.


A limited collection of pus in the tissues that occurs when the inflamed
lenii. In the maxillofacial region, usually a consequence of
complicated by dental disease. The reason it can also be a boil,
sore throat, damage to the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth, entering in the
tissue bacterial syringe for anesthesia, etc. An abscess can form
vatsya and as a result of introduction of infection by the blood stream or lymphatic system in general
infectious diseases (influenza, etc.).
Symptoms and flow. Usually preceded by tooth abscess pain, character-
istic for periodontitis (see). She appears in a certain
tooth, bite which causes increased pain sensation. Soon
there is soft tissue swelling and induration, pain during the dot-
ragivanii. If an abscess develops under the mucous membrane of the mouth,
visible when viewed from its bulging and redness. When the location of the abscess
close to the skin (face and submandibular area), the picture is similar.
Progression of purulent process is accompanied by deterioration of general
status, fever, disturbance of appetite, sleep. For
remove the source of infection in a patient tooth, and most importantly to prevent
spread it to surrounding tissue and the area should be promptly
opening of an abscess the doctor. Otherwise, there is a possibility
escalating the limited diffuse inflammation in the transition of its
The development of an abscess can lead to a breakthrough, or pus in the cavity of the outside
mouth. The outflow of pus relieves acute phenomenon subsides or disappears pain
restored normal contours of the face or oral cavity,
stabilize overall health. Such an outcome should not be calm,
as the process continues, but in the chronic stage. In the future,
He could get worse, and this - gnoeistechenie of fistulous with non-
nym breath, sensitization of the organism toxic products distribution
Treatment. The speed of the process gives rise strongly recom-
mended not to delay treatment to the dentist. Prior to that, as a measure of the-
lightest character, you can use pain relievers, hot-strip
tion of the mouth, heat dressing.
Antibiotics and other powerful tools are not without a recom-
is recommended.
The following are characteristics recognition process depending on the
place of its origin and the most frequent localization.
Abscess floor of the mouth - is characterized by the appearance in the hyoid region
redness, and soon the seal is very painful for him in the stimulation
while talking and eating. Language becomes less mobile, pripod-
Nhat up. Gradually the swelling of the bottom of the cavity increases, worsening an-
ing state. Chance of a separate breakout of pus in the cavity of the mouth, and ho-
cha acute effects subside when, at this point is extremely dangerous to the spread-
pus in the equation peripharyngeal area and neck. Therefore, the expectation of spontaneous-
free autopsy is not allowed. Refer for medical attention required.
Abscess of the sky. Usually arises as a complication of periodontitis teeth
the upper jaw. The most common cause is the second incisor, canine and second pre-
molar. The disease begins with pain in the hard palate and the reddening-
of the mucosa. If it gets the greatest pain of a bulging in-
Eating becomes difficult.
Perhaps the spontaneous opening of abscess, after which there
relief. However, to prevent the possible spread of purulent
ka a large area of ​​the hard palate and the development of osteomyelitis palatal plate-
roughcast autopsy shows bone abscess in a clinic.
Prior to treatment a doctor can use painkillers and
warm rinse.
Abscess of cheek. Depending on the depth of the process of swelling
and redness will be more pronounced and the skin of the cheeks,
or oral mucosa. Pain is weak, but when you open your mouth
increases. Violation of the general condition of a moderately expressed. Dangerous decay
rostranenie abscess to adjacent parts of the face. Prior to treatment (Required-
th) to the doctor recommended pain reliever, heat dressing in
loskanie mouth.
Abscess of the language. Begins with the appearance of pain in tolscheyazyka that
increases rapidly.
Language increases in volume, as it were raised, there is little mobile. Sharp
hampered by the act of chewing, swallowing, breathing is often violated in rare
cases to an extreme degree, when there is a feeling of suffocation.
Shown is an urgent hospitalization for urgent action.
Alveolpt. Inflammation of the wells as a result of her jaw infection
after traumatic tooth extraction. It is often observed damage to
assertion itself and the crushing of the wells surrounding gums. May develop
as a result of violations of post-operative mode, where the active band-
kaniem vymyvayuttromb mouth of the hole, the microbes get into it, causing the playback-
palenie. Contact with food in the hole, the lack of oral hygiene as well
contribute to the emergence of alveolitis.
Symptoms and flow. The disease often begins 2-3 days after
operation with the appearance of severe pain in the tooth oblastilunkiudalennogo, the increase in
in temperature of the body up to 37,5-38,5 AL. Gradually the pain increased,
spreading to the neighboring departments of the head.
Out of his mouth comes a bad smell. In the submandibular areas, increase
Xia and become painful lymph nodes. Duration Zabo-
Levani - up to two weeks.
Treatment. At home, before going to the doctor, which is necessary
with the appearance of the symptoms described above, shows frequent mouthwash
warm solution (3%) hydrogen peroxide, baking soda (1/2 chaynoylozhki
a glass of water), painkillers. Alveolitis can be complicated
osteomyelitis of the wells, which lengthens the time of illness and rehabilitation
Dislocation of the jaw. Causes of dislocation of the mandible can be diverse
nye: a blow, a strong opening of the mouth when yawning, crying, vomiting, removing
tooth when biting a large and solid pieces of food, etc. Most often arise-
exists in women due to the lower depths of the articular fossa and the severity of bone
tubercle, resulting in easier shifting articular head of the lower four-
Lust. If this is the anteversion, we speak of the anterior dislocation, if-
back - something about the background, there are bilateral, which occur frequently. Di-
agnostiruyut habitual dislocation, when he repeated several times.
Symptoms and flow. When dislocation of the mandible is quite a typical picture of
at. The victim complains of pain, inability to close the mouth and take
food, it is difficult. Any attempt to close the mouth unsuccessful, and is accompanied
given increase in pain. Therefore, in dislocation of the jaw should not try to
by eevpravit, etotolko izmuchaet man.
Treatment. Necessary emergency care physician, who, using the ape-
bolivanie, apply knowledge of certain techniques. To refrain from free-
evremennyh measures should not, because to straighten teeth in the future will be
much more difficult.
Chronic Sinusitis odontogenpy. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of grad-
plague sinus, resulting from the resulting message-Qayyim
rovoy sinus to the oral cavity after removal of molars and premolars, the upper
her jaw. These messages occur when some people have roots
of the teeth penetrate the maxillary sinus, and are separated from it
only the mucosa, or bone plate of the firebox. In this case, even
at very carefully, the operation, violated the integrity of both
bone plate, and the mucous membrane that separates the maxillary sinus
from the root apex. Through this arose after tooth extraction with-
estuary from the mouth enter the bacteria, causing inflammation of the sinuses.
Attempts to dentists immediately after the formation of fistulas take in merging
zistuyu gum wrapper to close the message does not always end in blah
gopoluchno. Most fistulous course remains.
His signs is very clear. When taking liquid diet, a part of it in
falls into the nasal cavity. If you exhale through your nose, pre-
fingers holding the nostrils, the air is released into the oral cavity through the fistula from the-
outlet. In addition, the fistula into the mouth sometimes stands clear
or turbid liquid - a product of inflammation of the maxillary sinus.
Treatment only operative in the hospital.
Gingnvpt. View stomatitis, when affected mucosa covering
alveolar bone jaw. Besides the general causes of diseases
tion shell other sites (see Stomatitis), the most common - dirty
content of the oral cavity, the presence of dental plaque (see Tartar).
Symptoms. During the inspection much redness, swelling of the gums, when
eating and brushing it can be a slight bleeding. If improper-
lyudenii oral hygiene gum coating is covered, there are sores,
necrosis of tissue sections, halitosis. The disease can decay
rostranitsya to other parts of the oral mucosa.
Treatment: a systematic care for your teeth, rinsing, removal of dental
stones, treatment of periodontitis, light diet.
Breath. Arises primarily due to unsystematic implementation-
mented oral hygiene. Food particles that remain after her at-
EMA in the interdental spaces and in carious teeth, lowered epithelium
ly mucosa exposed to bacteria in
abundant in the mouth. There is a breakdown of proteins and foods of the epithelium and their
subsequent decay, which results in the emergence of smell. Further-
second, it may be the cause of inflammation in the tissues surrounding the tooth
nyah (see Parodoptit), lesions of the oral mucosa, tongue
(See Gingivitis, Stomatitis), and, in rare cases, the disease of the stomach
Preventing and getting rid of the odor is reduced mainly to
regular oral care. Morning and evening should be cleaned
teeth: the movement of the toothbrush should be in a horizontal direction
Research and vertically for a thorough removal of food residue from the inter-
dental spaces. Promotes the use of toothpicks, and this band-
tion of the mouth with water after eating. Effective use of solutions ve-smelling
societies: mint, special deodorants. When the disease of the mucous shell
ki oral tissues around the teeth, as well as the stomach is shown special
Toothache. Unpleasant and often intolerable sensations caused
stimulation of sensory nerves. In the role of stimuli can be
blow, burn, stab, inflammation, trauma, etc. It is usually a manifestation of
diseases of the tooth.
If you violate the integrity of the dental hard tissues (enamel, dentin) Bole-
vye feelings arise only when taking hot or cold water, oxygen
formula or sugary foods. With the removal of these stimuli (oral rinse
mouth with warm water) - the pain stops.
In those cases where it occurs alone, often reinforced
at night and cover the area surrounding the tooth, getting differ-
of that nature, it must be assumed that this is the origin of the acute
inflammation of the dental pulp - the pulp of a tooth. In this case the pain is prolonged
and often painful. Rely on its end by taking obezbo-
Lebanon - analgin, etc. - Even in large doses, is not necessary. Also
erroneous advice on the introduction into the cavity of a patient of different tooth
means (alcohol, analgin, aspirin, etc.). The most that can be dos-
evolve a - slightly reduce its intensity.
It is possible that the pain itself is reduced or stopped when
destructive phenomena destroy the jumper mezhdukarioznoy cavity and
the pulp chamber of the tooth. In this period of acute inflammation of the pulp re-
goes to the chronic stage, which is accompanied by a subsided or disap-
veniem pain. However, the pathogenic damage continues to spread-
Yas the whole tooth pulp, including pulp in the canals of the tooth roots, and then
and the surrounding tissue. Moving beyond the purulent inflammation of the tooth
is known as acute periodontitis. At the same character-painful sensation
characterized by the emergence of an independent, precise localization of
tooth, touching or him, knocking all the more cause rezkoeusile-
tion of pain. Analgesics can reduce it or even remove it. But
hope for a cure is impossible without the participation of the dentist, it is necessary
mo, and in the coming days to prevent possible severe complications
tions - an abscess, cellulitis, osteomyelitis.
So, being the most common signal of
Tooth disease (see Caries, pulpitis, periodontitis), tooth pain in the same
time may be the result of an injury when exposing the pluck of the crown-
em tooth pulp (the pulp), rich in nerve endings. The slightest at-
kosnovenie it causes severe pain. Help with this may have
Only a dentist.
It should be borne in mind that to create the impression of a toothache can be
swelling of the jaw, sinus inflammation, nerve disease centers
central nervous system. Therefore, pain in the area should zubochelyustpoy
be evaluated by a doctor to determine the cause and not only be considered
a tooth.
Tartar. More than 80% of people have dental plaque, known as
"Tartar." It is made up of food debris, epithelial (deflated)
bacteria, salts, phosphorus, calcium, etc. His education begins with
congestion on the rough surface of the soft neck of the tooth plaque, on which the
ry precipitated lime salts. Condensing, is the formation of "coupling"
pridesnevuyu covers part of the tooth. The most commonly occurs on the stone
teeth that are less involved in the act of chewing, which makes them a natural
Noah purification difficult.
Causes of tartar - failure to oral hygiene
mouth, a habit of taking a soft diet, chew on one side. In-
violation of the metabolism, especially salt, can become a general in-
fer to dental plaque.
When the disease periodontal tissues (periodontitis) is formed by a stone
gum: between the root of the tooth and the wall alaveoly that contributes to a more ar-
ressivnomu the development of periodontitis (formerly called a disease of alveo-
molecular pyorrhea).
In the presence of tartar is necessary to the dentist to
remove it. Otherwise, the various possible complications - the occurrence of
ance of the source of chronic inflammation of the gums, bad breath, intoxication
Prevention comes down to hygiene measures, use of on-
par with a soft solid foods (apple, carrot, cabbage, etc.).
Caries. Common disease, affecting 95% of the people. In
based on it - the destruction of dental hard tissues: enamel, and is under
It dentin. The reason is unclear. Nevertheless, an irregular
dental care is a predisposing factor.
Symptoms and flow. Tooth decay occurs gradually: the enamel surface
of a tooth poyavletsya pigmented (white, first, and then
yellow). Soon it becomes brown. In the future,
destroys the enamel and then dentin. The process is usually slow in
more rarely - fast. The resulting cavity is initially in the enamel, and
then progresses into the dentin depth and width. The remains of food in it
serve as a breeding ground for bacteria, which are abundant in the oral
mouth. Caused by the decay of its unhygienic condition worsens.
There is an unpleasant odor.
Tooth decay is accompanied by characteristic pain. Rather
Acute pain occurs during use of cold, hot, sour,
sweet food. It quickly disappears after the removal of these factors
(Rinsing the mouth with warm water). Man, unfortunately, prisposab-
lished the "conditions" of food, except for the temperature and chemical irritation
Teli. He has a mistaken belief on the complete well-being of that form-
schenie to the doctor considers it unnecessary. However, the destructive process pro-
be extended, resulting in significant destruction of the crown of the tooth and the decay
rostraneniyu process of tooth pulp - pulp. This, in turn, US-
complicates the treatment of a tooth and reduces the chance of saving it.
And it is extremely important. Teeth broken or removed, not only distort
the act of mastication, phonetics speech, appearance, but also adversely affect the am-
yanie stomach. Due to bad chewed food can be a gastritis, lang-
Islands of the stomach and so on.
Treatment. Timely treatment is essential to the dentist
when the signs of tooth decay. The functional efficiency of its
will be restored: economically remove the destroyed tissue and enamel and dentin
restore the integrity of the crown with the filling material. In
some regions of the world where drinking water contains salts
Fluorine is less than the norm, there is a very active carious lesions of teeth
process of the entire population. In such cases, the recommended actions
to the artificial introduction into the body of people fluorine salts pu-
to be included in the table salt fluoridation or centralized
drinking water.
Cyst of the jaw. Usually arises as a complication of diseases of the tooth, in
result of which develops a chronic inflammatory process in
root apex to form a cyst. In more rare cases, it
arises from the membrane of the follicle surrounding the crown of the tooth, in violation of
the process of its eruption. Therefore, this is called a follicular cyst.
In contrast, the root occurs much more frequently, as in-
diseases of the teeth is many times the number of cases of difficulty
eruption. Cyst of the root develops on the background of chronic inflammation
(See Periodontitis) is growing slowly but steadily. Increasing in volume,
constant pressure on the bone surrounding it, which is forced to "OTC
dumb "to make room for the growing cyst.
Little, or absolutely not prove itself, the cyst is visible only when there is
protrusion of the jaw with his thinning of the outer dense bony plates
evaluations, that draws attention to the patient himself or his associates. Often, when
X-ray of jaws on one or the other about the cyst revealed
as a random finding.
Growth is sometimes entail such extensive destruction of the jaw bone,
which leads to its spontaneous fracture. In addition, the penetration
in the cyst cavity pyogenic bacteria can cause severe inflammation
process involving the bone marrow in his jaw and the development of osteoma-
Elite. Possible degeneration of the radicular cyst as long the current pro-
process in cancer.
Treatment of cysts - surgical. At small sizes allowed pro-
maintenance operations on an outpatient basis. Recommendation: Progress
control (1 per year), the tooth-jaw system with the help of radiography.
Bleeding after surgery, tooth extraction. Typically, the surgical
interventions are, when curative measures do not yield the desired re-
results, and saving the tooth can cause acute purulent inflammation
process. Removal of the teeth to be damaged, improperly cut,
highly mobile, etc. If there is damage to the implementation of the operation
- Rupture of blood vessels, which causes mild bleeding,
tion of the tooth extraction wells, and usually after the imposition of gauze ball
10-15 minutes to stop.
However, in some cases bleeding may be significant, the WHO-
niknuv immediately after surgery or some time later - as a result of
complex removal, gross interference or expansion of small-traumatic
Bathrooms vessels, which sometimes happens after the application of anesthesia in the ad-
renalina. It may be caused by bleeding disorders. If
bleeding occurs immediately after tooth extraction, the doctor will find a way
stop it. Complicated when it occurs after a certain time,
ie outside the clinic. The reason for this bleeding are very different
nye circumstances: violation of (mouthwash, taking a hot pi-
soup), high blood pressure, the collapse of a blood clot.
First Aid. You should try to stop the bleeding itself.
To this end, the best of the gauze to make a small pad, put it on the moon-
Ku tooth extraction and bite, closed their teeth. The tampon should rise
over the hole: the higher the tampon, the greater the pressure on the vessels at the closing
teeth. In the position with clenched jaws should lie or sit down, races,
labitsya and calm down. If after 15-20 minutes the bleeding was still pro-
be extended, threatening huge loss of blood, seek medical attention,
and at night - the duty surgical hospital, where there is no
dental hospital. High blood pressure, the decay
blood clot in the lupke as a cause of bleeding will require not only local
tion, but the general methods of treatment.
Bleeding gums. The result of the disease the mucous membrane of the gums
and may be a consequence not only of local and general malaise of the body.
Usually there is bleeding during brushing. Sometimes the reception
foods can cause blood in the mouth. It flows from the gingival margin
inflammation of its mucous membrane (see Gipgivit). Special attention
require cases where oral care dostatochep and cardiovascular out-
changes gums persist or recur, and the bleeding continued
zhaetsya. The reason for this may be a variety of diseases common char-
pa: blood, endocrine, respiratory diseases, influenza, beriberi, and others swelling, and increase
chenie in the amount of gingival interdental papilla often accompany pregnancy
In cases where the disease is aggravated, bleeding occurs even
with minor injury, if not without her own. Treatment and
medical supervision required. At home, you should support
oral hygiene.
Non-carious lesions of teeth. Diseases of the origin of non-carious
may be the result of malformation of the tooth, and the defeat of his
after the eruption. Disturbances in tooth development are manifested in the form of time-
personal changes enamels: the normal color of underdevelopment, of-
its absence or, conversely, excessive amounts of enamel in the form of drops.
The manifestations may be on most of the teeth or the individual. Non-
rare forms of anomalies of the teeth.

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