how do you get HIV

Sexually transmitted diseases have ceased to cause fear. In any case,
the majority: "It's not about me, it's about homosexuals and prostitutes.
Even if they get infected (of course, not AIDS), to recover - a piece of cake.
With modern means something! "Advances medicine creates the illusion that we can-
but to do without a doctor - it is necessary to take antibiotics and it will pass. Zab-
luzhdenie dangerous - not only will not work, but can progress to a more heavy-
luyu stage and show up when doing something becomes very difficult, and
sometimes impossible. Sexually transmitted not only syphilis and gonorrhea
and less well-known sexually transmitted disease (chancroid, inguinal lymph
fogranulematoz and donovanosis), and trichomoniasis, chlamydia, thrush, and
many others - more than twenty. Cause of their different vozbudieli:
bacteria (syphilis, gonorrhea), viruses (herpes, AIDS), protozoa (trichomes,
Niaz), "mushrooms" (yeast), parasites (pubic lice, scabies). Bo-
useful to those distributed throughout the world and are familiar to doctors, but for
Some of them have only recently been established that they are transmitted by


Common symptoms. Are the first sign of discharge from the genitals,
sores and "bruises" on their surface, but sometimes up to a certain disease
time does not appear. Sometimes that does not develop, but the four-
Rights is a pathogen and can infect their sexual partners,
also possible fetal transmission of microbes from mother to child.
Keep in mind the serious consequences: newborn - Loss
eye (conjunctivitis), pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis, congenital defects,
disability and even death, for women - pelvic inflammatory disease,
O bodies, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, premature birth and
stillbirth; men - the restriction of the urethra, impoten-
tion, comfort, and other infertility. Some types of pathogens contribute
the development of cancers of the cervix, skin and internal organs.
Sexually transmitted diseases have never been considered only from the copper-
Qing point of view, they are always associated with the ethical standards:-infecting
shiysya blame myself. The sexual revolution, radically changing views on
sexual activity, led to a significant increase in these patients - in their world
about 1 billion. In other words, sexually transmitted diseases
way, every fifth person suffers from Earth. Recently, they added self-
My awesome - AIDS. The risk is high enough. It is therefore necessary
have at least a minium of knowledge about these diseases - their manifestations, course and
consequences, treatment and prevention facilities.

Gardnerellez. Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis). Sexually transmitted pu-
so. It is now established that the cause is a special micro-
organisms called gardnerellas. The patient appeared ill-smell-
ing whites (the smell of rotten fish), which intensified after sexual intercourse.
In these discharges should always consult a doctor, and le-
to ourselves and the sexual partner to become infected again from him.
Hepatitis B. One of the serious liver disease. Transmitted through
blood and sex, that is, and "deliver" significant
positive number of patients. The risk of contracting hepatitis B is very high among people
entering into promiscuity. He was diagnosed in one third of homosexuals
and bisexual (having sex with both men and a woman
mi), whereas among men who have intercourse only with women - only
ye%. Carriers of the virus disease is nearly 300 million human
age in the world.
In patients with hepatitis B are observed yellowness of the skin, eyes, painful,
Property in the liver, discoloration of urine, feces, deterioration of general self-
mochuvstviya. But often the disease is asymptomatic, with no yellow-
Toohey and other features. Serious complication of the primary cancer is ne-
Cheney, who in some regions of the globe is the most decay
rostranennoy form of cancer, especially among husband-
rank (see also Sec. Infektsitsonnye disease).
Genital herpes (genital). In recent years, meets all
frequently in many countries around the world. For example, in the U.S. each year are recorded
200-500 thousand patients. According to STI services UK
women suffer from genital herpes is 6 times more often than men.
Symptoms and flow. Usually within 3-6 days after infection of the skin and
mucous membranes of the bubbles appear. Sometimes a long time no
No evidence of disease. In men, genital blisters appear on the member-
not, especially on the head and foreskin. Before this ill-feeling zhzhe
tion, itching, tingling. Takiezhe rash may occur in the mouth re-
result of sexual intercourse through the mouth. Bubbles, merging and bursting, exceeding the
raschayutsya in small wounds. Some patients have discharge from the
urethra, pain while urinating, and can even delay-
chi. Can be raised temperature, headaches arise, a general under-
moganie, increase lymph nodes.
In women, blisters and ulcers appear on the genitals, in the pro-
mezhnosti and around the anus. Then the bubbles disappear, and in some-
Thoroe time there again.
Sick woman in childbirth infecting her child. In newborn
tion may develop nerve damage, breaks the skin, mouth, and internal
authorities. Most children infected with herpes, die. We remain
Xia dead serious complications observed in the nervous system. Ec-
Whether in the later stages of pregnancy in women detected genitive herpes-
ly, she was trying to make a cesarean section to protect the child from
infection during the passage through the birth canal.
Gonorrhea. Infection it is also called clap, fracture,
caused by the gonococcus. Neisser - the scientist who discovered in 1879 that the WHO-
revivalist, said: "I would not hesitate to declare that in its consequences
Gonorrhea is a disease much more dangerous than syphilis. "In fact,
Indeed, gonorrhea brings a lot of people suffering sexually active excitation-
Rastas. This was particularly noticeable in the period when the practice of medicine
there were no antibiotics. The main danger comes from its legkomys-
lennogo relationships that can be cured easily, even without a doctor - with the by-
power tips "experienced" friends and acquaintances. Of course, gonorrhea is not so
destructive, as syphilis, but the likelihood of infertility (both in men
and women), sexual disorders in men infected children at birth
- Is extremely high. I should add that gonorrhea is much more decay
rostranena than syphilis. She, like, and syphilis, can be ill and
several times. Many, not knowing that they are sick, continue to live
sexual life, infecting their partners are not treated, and disease progression
siruet, leading to serious complications. Infection occurs when different
quadratic forms of sexual contact: the "normal" sexual intercourse, with "non-
the full "(when there is a mutual contact of sexual organs,
without the introduction of the penis into the vagina), and oral-genital (contact of
collisions genitalia and oral mucosa), and anal. Men do not always
Yes infected by women with gonorrhea. When a small amount of-
nokokkov they can not get into the narrow opening of the urethra. If, however, is
fallen, they can be thrown away or washed away in urine. Most often, a woman infected
zhaet man during menstruation or shortly thereafter, with an elongated
intercourse, with its rapid completion, when gonococci are carried out
deeper parts of the glands.
Unlike men women "pick up" gonorrhea in almost all
instances of sexual intercourse with the patient.
The child may become infected by the mother during the passage through the birth pu-
ty. In this case it is affected eye mucosa, while devochektakzhe and polo-
vye bodies. Blindness in infants 56% of cases caused by gonorrhea. Gono-
cocci may be entered in the girls' genitals as polluted
hands of his mother, a towel, sponge, linens, etc.
Symptoms and flow. Gonorrhea affects the genitourinary organs, direct-quiche
ku, mucosa of eyes, mouth and throat, and sometimes the joints, angry,
Tse and other organs. Males are usually 3-5 days after infection ap-
lyayutsya copious purulent, muco-purulent discharge, accompanied by
itching, pain when urinating or rezyu. Spontaneous-emission or
free, or come under pressure to the glans penis. On
underwear are yellow-green spots. Ka-urethral sponge
Nala become inflamed, swollen and slightly painful. If Zabo-
Levani left untreated, the process extends over the whole channel, prostate,
seminal vesicles, testes. Appears painful, frequent, difficult
urination. Temperature may rise, cause fever, pain
defecation. Serious complication of gonorrhea, often leading to infertility,
is the defeat of the testicle. Typically, there are his swelling, severe bo-
leznennost, it increases in size. After gonorrheal inflammation
the epididymis (epididymitis) is violated and the formation of sperm
bilateral process drops the possibility of fertilization. Undesirable
Tel'nykh consequences can be avoided only when time begun treatment
Research Institute, strict adherence to medical advice, suspension-positive
curve of life, rejection of alcohol, etc.
"In the venereal ward of a hospital surgical
male 2 was transferred to 9 years. He moved on crutches due to the increase
tion and a sharp pain ankle. He had nezna-
significantly muddy mucous discharge from the urethra. Suddenly became ill: lay
healthy sleep, and morning joint pain, fever, chills,
weakness forced him to call the "emergency room", which took him to the chi-
rurgicheskoe department. The patient was not married, often enters into chaotic
sex. 3 years ago moved trichomoniasis. It was found that a
Several days after sexual contact with a strange woman in the
3-4 weeks he had a slight discharge from the urethra. Deciding that
trichomoniasis it again, he began taking medication, which he has appointed-
Does this disease, and continued to the old way of life: lessons
sports, sex, booze. In the venereal department of the patient-detected
wife of gonorrhea. "
Sometimes a person who had sexual contact with patients known to be gonorrhea,
Rhea does not appear any signs of disease. This does not mean that he
not infected. It is necessary to do research. The so-called
asymptomatic gonorrhea is dangerous for both the sick and for those
who are in contact with him. Of particular importance when it gets pregnancies,
ty, as the possible contamination of the child. In 50-70% of women with gonorrhea,
Rhea, there is no discomfort. The rest can be observed
purulent or muco-purulent discharge from the vagina, and the frequent urge
pain when urinating. Late referral for medical assistance to the infinite
symptomatic gonorrhea causes the disease is transferred from the cervix
on the mucosa of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries. There is a risk of ectopic
pregnancy, infertility, complications during childbirth.
Often, and complications of gonorrhea occur among women is almost imperceptible.
Only some have pains in the lower half of the abdomen, bleeding from the
vagina, fever, headache, general poor self-
feeling. If the patient is pregnant gonorrhea, then it is a risk-vyki
breathing, fetal death and postpartum infection.
It is very unpleasant complication of gonorrhea in women - an inflammation of the large
vestibular glands (bartholinitis), which usually begins after 2-3
weeks after infection. Gonococci, penetrating into the gland duct, causing
inflammation, and groin appears painful nodule or cord: the nadavli-
vanii be pus. If mouth cancer is closed, pus-accumulating
Yas in the duct, it stretches. Then from the gender gap appears
painful, movable tumor the size of cherries to large eggs. Women
schina feels pain in the vulva, it is difficult to
walk, sit. When you join gonococci other microorganisms
temperature rises to 38 39shS. The tumor bursts, the pus out of it-Spout
etsya, the pain disappeared, the temperature decreases, but after a while,
If left untreated, pus builds up again, there are red-
is the skin, tenderness, swelling, and it all starts over again. Often
patients with these complications have to do surgery.
When sexual intercourse occurs by ingestion of oral gonorrhea and
pharynx. Signs of it - redness and pain in the throat, sometimes strong, with you-
high temperature. Most of the time it happens and gonorrhea, genital
If there are discharge from the rectum and discomfort
this area also need to see a doctor and be tested. Gonorrhea
anus is possible not only for gay men and biseksua-
sheets, but also in women after sexual intercourse through the anus
streaks or as a result of vaginal infections.
Of particular concern are gonorrhea for children. Only a few infected
expressed in terms of total bed because of the non-compliance with hygiene. In
most cases, their "reward bad bolez" senior members of the
family or friends at home, leading to cohabitation.
The initial manifestation of gonorrhea in the newborn is usually
eye disease. A few days after the birth of a child blush
eyes are starting yellow or green discharge.
Should immediately consult a doctor and start treatment to warn-
dit of the cornea and loss of eye tissue, leading to blindness. Children
often pay for the mistakes of adults, or become their victims.
Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Other
name - AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Received in the settlement-
last years spread of epidemic in the world, caused by viruses
Human immunodeficiency detected in saliva and mucosal secretions
patients. This is an infectious disease that develops in contact with the WHO-
arouser in the blood, most often sexually transmitted. Infection with HIV-
ductive observed with intravenous injections of drugs in the overflow-
Institute of blood and blood products contaminated by the instrument, particularly ur-
Pathogens are destroyed by boiling AIDS, ether, acetone, ethanol
(20%), sodium hypochlorite (0.2%). For the first time the disease was detected in
homosexuals and drug addicts. He even called the first "disease of homo-
seksualistov. "were rooting predominantly male (9 of 10). Later
It was also widely distributed among people with disorderly
nye sex. We prove the transmission of the virus from mother to child during
pregnancy and childbirth.
Symptoms and flow. First, the temperature rises to 38-40shS at any
time of day, there is profuse sweating, sharply reduced physical
activity. At the same time may experience diarrhea, weight loss, dyspnea,
ka, inflammatory changes of the skin, hair loss, uvelichenielim-
phatic nodes. It may take several years. Then the patients
develop a variety of co-infections, which are rare
in people with normal immunity. They can affect the skin, lymph
nodes, eyes, different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, cen-
central nervous system. On the skin while there are a variety of rashes
(Spotty, nodular, cystic, etc.), often accompanied by itching.
Severe illness caused by these extremely limited
protective forces of authority ism. Most often occurs in AIDS patients
current bilateral pneumonia persisted. Candidiasis is often found in
cavity of the mouth, which spreads, leads to ulcers, food
water and light. In the mucosa of the mouth, genitals and perineum
there are blisters. Many affected the central nervous
system, eye (chorioretinitis). Diarrhea is often observed flowing up-
intentionally difficult, with frequent watery stools (up to 15 liters per day). I
Most patients recover after one infektsionnnogo
disease begins another, or there is a combination of different in-
Approximately 40% of AIDS patients develop malignant tumors.
They are often diagnosed at a late stage or after the death of the patient.
Approximately 1/3 found Kaposi's sarcoma, which often affects
not only the skin, but lymph nodes, mucous membranes and internal
Quite often, a virus infected for several years,
also increases cervical, axillary and neck lymph nodes,
no other symptoms of the disease with further classical pat-
Human immunodeficiency virus, as well as war, strike most people
active age.
Candidiasis. Inflammation caused by yeast-like fungus Candida.
Candidiasis ("thrush") - one of the most common infections in the
especially in women.
The emergence of candidal inflammation of the vagina contribute to an elevated
Nye moisture of the skin (when wearing nylon stockings), breach of carbohydrate-
tion sharing, use of antibiotics or other chemotherapeutic
tools, including drugs prescribed for trichomoniasis, which
eliminate the other microorganisms that are natural antagonists
fungi, the use of hormones (receiving steroids and protivoza-
chatochnyh tablets); diseases that weaken the immune system, in-
expression of the patient man.
Symptoms and flow. Infected with genital candidiasis of the third
female patients. They appear cheesy discharge from the genital tract,
itching and soreness, worse during urination and sexual
intercourse. Threshold of the vagina becomes dark red, and reddening-
equation can spread to adjacent areas of the skin, in particular, wok
pyr anus.
Men are usually the head of the penis and the skin of red-
poop, covered with white bloom, sometimes they develop sores, patients
worried about the itching and burning. It happens that the inflammation begins mocheispuska-
respect to the channel with mucous secretions from him, and the presence of flakes in
Molluscum contagiosum. Distributed by close contact, including
including sexually. Children become infected when they are breast-feeding a sick
mother, and through household items. In terms of up to 3 months in-
reflection on the skin of patients there are small nodules the size of the bula-
nal head to a pea with a depression in the center. In children, rash distribution
rely more often on the skin of the hands, face, neck in adults, the skin and body
genitals, inner thighs, pubic area and stomach. Nodules
These painful.
Treatment - see Sec. Skin diseases, section 5, Molluscum contagiosum.
Pubic lice. Lice spread not only through sex,
but also through the underwear. Pubic louse dwells in the hair on the pubes, in
armpits, and beard, mustache, eyebrows and eyelashes.
The hair of the head, it does not hit that sets it apart from the head louse. On
affected areas of hair, mostly crotch, be-
der, the anus, there are small hemorrhages, bluish spots
signs of inflammation, scratching. In the future, may form small
nodules, vesicles, pustules. Patients worried about the constant itching. At the roots of
Hair can see lice on the hair found minor nits.
Treatment - see Sec. Skin diseases, section II, irritation from bites
Mycoplasmosis. Inflammation of the urethra and genital organs,
often cause mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas (pathogens, belonging to
zhaschie to the same family of bacteria). May be the cause of women you-
kidyshey, stillbirth, premature delivery. Men can-adjoint
unifying a sperm and thus to prevent fertilization.
The more active sex life leads a man, so, naturally, more
likely to be infected.
Symptoms and flow. From the moment of infection until signs of pro-
walks in 1015 days. The men appear slizistognoynye discharge, itching,
discomfort in the urethra, the sponge is
slightly swollen and inflamed. Sometimes joined by sexy
disorder. Among the complications are more common in men of inflammation-represented
respect to the prostate and epididymis. There are aching, swelling and a small
redness of the scrotum. The temperature usually rises. Often, patients
did not and could not help feeling infect their sexual partners.
In women, mycoplasmas infect the urethra, vagina,
cervix and uterus, the lining of the fallopian tubes. Patients with sting-
are on the slimy, translucent discharge, itching in the genital lips and
the vagina. These bacteria can cause inflammation of the lining
the uterus, which leads to a weak attachment of a fertilized egg and
poor development of the embryo. At any level of the genital tract, they are able to
have detrimental effects on reproductive function. Do childless women
often found mycoplasma.
Genital warts. In other words the appearance of venereal warts
are on the genitals and the vagina, cervix, urethra, and the ACT-
intrinsic deformation of reproductive organs and birth canal. May result from
women to cervical cancer. Found that the malignant lesion
is in direct connection with the early onset of sexual activity and a large number of
sexual partners and that the sexual behavior of men and women is a non-
unimportant role in tumor development. Each year, cervical cancer diseases
UT nearly half a million women. Recently, more and more of them can-
lodyh age.
Symptoms and flow. Venereal warts appear after 1-2 kneading-
sample after exposure. First, it is the tiniest specks, then it increases
vayutsya, and finally turned into warty growths pink
in appearance resembling a cauliflower. They can occur at
head and trunk of the penis and the urethra, accompanied by secretions
or bleeding from the urethra, a burning sensation when mocheispus-
panying, as well as on the external genitals of women, the vagina, cervix
the uterus, in the anus (in particular, in patients with anogenital
sexual relations, such as homosexuals).
Need to be treated immediately to both sexual partners to one of them, you-
lechivshis, again caught on the other. Principles of treatment - see Chap.
Skin diseases, section 5, Warts.
Syphilis. The most severe disease (until the time of AIDS). Excitation-
ers - pale treponema, treponema pallidum, or - was opened in 1905
, the "Pale" - because almost no ordinary aniline stains
dyes for this purpose by in microbiology. Pale treponema
has a spiral shape that resembles a long thin spiral. It is through-
exceedingly insidious: under adverse conditions is covered by a dense notation
shell and become impervious to drugs. In this
form can be stored in the body for a long time, until the opportune moment
re not "come to life", causing the progression of the disease, which is thought-out
untreated. The spiral form of Treponema reproduce by dividing every
30-33 hours, "frozen" is not divided. In the initial stages of syphilis in the organic-
mechanism are almost exclusively spiral in late and latent
Syphilis is becoming more encapsulated. As used in the le-
chenii syphilis penicillin acts only on the spiral form of chatter-
mute, so the effectiveness of a maximum in the first months of illness.
For the life of treponemes need warm, moist - "live"
biological environment. Therefore, the infection occurs almost exclusively
through sexual contact. Transmitted mainly by domestic small
children whose parents are having infectious manifestations on the mucous membrane
mouth, trying to eat with a spoon of the child, sometimes even chew it for him,
lick the nipple, etc. Pale treponema stored, for example,
wet underwear for hours or even several days. Drying or
the impact of disinfectants quickly deprives her mobility.
Optimal conditions for its life - the temperature of the body "Th-
Rights (37shS). When heated to kill microorganisms 55shS after 15 mi-
chick peas, when boiled - at once. Lower temperatures, on the contrary, promotes
their survival. In-46shS there about 3 days, with-18shSokolo year.
Long enough, within 2 days, stored in a mobile treponema
tissues of the dead.
Pale treponema may be contained in human blood, even that of the
incubation period. If such blood for whatever reason, will be ne-
relit healthy, it will happen and there will be contamination of the so-called
"Transfusion" syphilis. Therefore, donor blood must investigate
Syphilis is subjected to canning, soaking for 4 days
that guarantees the death of the bacteria. If by chance, in an emergency,
the direct transfusion of blood is taken from a patient with syphilis, the person
it has received, conduct preventive treatment. In the pale treponemu
detrimental effect of 0.5% solution of caustic alkali and acid solutions
lot. Urine with a pronounced acid reaction, as well as some food
products - yogurt, kvass, lemonade, vinegar and even can destroy
pathogen. As soon as he dies in the suds, but because washing hands with us-
Scrap reliably protects against infection.
The penetration of the agent of syphilis in the human body is four-
cut a little - or even invisible to the naked eye sores on the skin and
mucous membranes. Even think that he can pass and through nepov-
rezhdennye covers. If a pregnant woman had syphilis, the child
infected in utero. The probability of this is greatest when it
early stage of syphilis, at least - late. Then, even untreated women
can give birth and it is a healthy baby.
Symptoms and flow. Syphilis - a very long illness. Rash on
skin and mucous membranes followed by periods when no outer-
GOVERNMENTAL signs no diagnosis was possible only after the study
Blood on the specific serological reactions. These latent periods of mo-
Gut delayed for a long time, especially in the later stages, when the process
long-term coexistence of the human body and pale treponema Ac-
posablivayutsya to each other, achieving a certain "balance".
Manifestations of the disease may not appear immediately, but after 3-5 weeks. Time-
me, prior to them, is called the incubation: bacteria propagate
are current-carrying lymph and blood throughout the body and multiply rapidly.
When their is a lot, and the first signs of bolez-
no, the stage of primary syphilis. Outside of his symptoms - Erosion
or sore (chancre) at the site of entry into the body of infection and
increase in nearby lymph nodes, which are not treated
a few weeks. After 6-7 weeks after the rash appears,
spreading throughout the body. This means that the disease has passed
the secondary stage. During her rashes appear different nature and
existed for some time, disappear. Tertiary syphilis us-
Tupa 5-10 years: there are sites on the skin and bumps.
Primary syphilis. Hard chancres (ulcers), one or more, more
all located on the genitals, in the places where you would normally occur
microtrauma during sexual intercourse. The men - a head, the extreme
the flesh, at least - the trunk of the penis, and sometimes a rash may be
inside the urethra. In homosexuals, they are found in
circumference of the anus, forming in the depths of his skin folds, or
on the mucous membrane of the rectum. The women usually appear in small
and labia lips at the entrance to the vagina, the perineum, at least - on the
the cervix. In the latter case, the ulcer can be seen only with gynecological
logical examination, on a chair with the help of mirrors.
Almost chancres may occur at any location: on the lips in the corner
mouth, chest, abdomen, pubic, groin, on the tonsils, in the last
Recalling the latter case a sore throat, in which the throat is almost no pain and temperature
Tour does not increase. Some patients appear to seal and swelling
strong redness, blueness of the skin, even in women - in a large
sexual lips of men - the foreskin. With the addition of "secondary"
ie additional infections develop complications. Men are more likely
of inflammation and swelling of the foreskin (phimosis), which usually accumulates
pus and can sometimes test the seal on the site of the existing chancre. Ec-
Does the period of increasing swelling of the foreskin of her move and open a second-
deftly member, the reverse movement is not always possible, and has a head-
Xia strangulated condensed ring.
It swells, and if it is not free, can become lifeless. Occasionally a
necrosis (gangrene), complicated by ulceration of the foreskin, or located on
head of the penis.
About a week after the onset of painless chancre
growing nearby lymph nodes (usually in the groin), reaching
Assuming the size of peas, plums, or even chicken eggs. At the end of the primary
period increases, and other groups of lymph nodes.
Secondary syphilis. Begins with a rash around the abundant ones,
rays, which often precedes the deterioration of health, may be somewhat
rising temperature. Chancroid or its remnants, as well as an increase in lymph
elliptic units at this time still remain. The rash is usually
a small, evenly covering the skin with pink spots, do not raise up-
schiesya above the surface of the skin, causing itching, no peeling and no. A similar-
tion kind of spotty rash nazyvaayut syphilitic roseola. As
they do not itch, people inattentive to her, it can easily be overlooked.
Even doctors can be wrong, if they have no reason to suspect a
patients with syphilis and the diagnosis of measles, rubella, scarlet fever, which
rye are often found in adults. Roseolous addition, it is
papular rash, consisting of a nodule the size of a match head up
pea, bright pink, with a bluish, brownish tinge. Much less frequently
there are pustular or pustular, similar to ordinary acne, or
rash of chickenpox. As with other syphilitic eruptions, pustules
do not hurt.
At the same patient there may be patches, and nodules, and gnoynich-
ki. Eruptions on hold for several days to several weeks, and then
disappear without treatment, so that after a more or less long period of time
replaced by new ones, opening the period of secondary recurrent syphilis. New
rash usually does not cover the entire skin, and are located on the on-
individual sites, they are larger, paler (sometimes subtle) and tend to
grouped together to form rings, arcs and other shapes. The rash is still
can be spotty, nodular, or pustular, but with each new
appearance of rash is less, and the size of each -
more. For the second period, typical of recurrent nodules on the outer
genital organs, perineum, near the anus, a mouse-
kami. They rise, their surface gets wet and form abrasions, moknu-
ing sprawl merge with one another, recalling to mind the color-ka
empty. Such expansion, accompanied by foul smell, a little bo-
leznenny, but can interfere with walking. In patients with secondary syphilis have-
Vaeth so-called "syphilitic sore throat," which differs from the usual
Noah the fact that the redness of the tonsils or the appearance of whitish spots on them
my throat hurts, and body temperature did not rise. In the mucosa
neck and lips appear whitish oval or flat education fad-
arid shape. In the language highlighted bright red patches of oval or
scalloped shape, which do not have nipples language. In the corners of the mouth
can be cracked - so-called syphilitic'll pick. On the forehead is sometimes
there are encircling his brownish-red nodules - "the crown of Venus." In
circumference of the mouth may be purulent crusts that mimic the normal pi-
odermiyu. It is characterized by a rash on the palms and soles. When the ka-
FIR or lesions at these sites should be sure to check with the vein-
meteorology, although changes in the skin there may be other origins (NAP-
Example, fungal).
Sometimes on the back and sides of the neck formed small
(The size of a pinky fingernail) rounded bright spots surrounded by a
dark areas of the skin. "Necklace of Venus" is not peeling and sore. Am-
em syphilitic baldness (alopecia) in the form of either a uniform-porede
of hair (up to severe), or multiple small
foci. This is reminiscent of fur, moth-eaten. Often fall as eyebrows
and eyelashes. All these unpleasant phenomena occur after 6 or more kneading-
CET after infection. Experienced venereal disease rather cursory vzglya-
yes to the patient, to put it on these grounds the diagnosis of syphilis.
The treatment quickly leads to the restoration of hair growth. In wasps,
lablennyh, as well as in patients with alcohol abuse are common scatter-
scribed across multiple skin ulcers, covered laminated crusts (so
called "malignant" syphilis). If the patient is not treated, then
several years after infection, it may occur during the Tertiary.
Stage III of syphilis. Appear on the skin single large-size components
ramie to a walnut or a hen's egg (gum) and smaller
(Mounds), located usually in groups. Gunma distribution gradually
tet, the skin becomes bluish-red, then it starts from the center-vyde
lyatsya viscous liquid and formed long-term healing ulcer with ha-
teristic yellow bottom "greasy" look. Gummy ulcers of different
prolonged existence, dragged on for many months or even years.
Scars after healing of a lifetime, and by their typical
star can form after a long time to realize that this man-
century was syphilis. The bumps and the gum is most often placed on the skin ne-
Redņevs surface of tibia, in the shoulders, forearms, and so on. One of the
frequent sites of tertiary lesions - the mucous membrane of the soft and hard
the sky. Ulceration there may be up to the bone and bone-destroying
Kang, soft palate, scars shrink, or form holes, lead-
ing from the mouth into the nasal cavity, causing the voice takes on a typical
snuffles. If the gum placed on the face, they can destroy
the bones of the nose, and he "falls".
At all stages of syphilis may be affected internal organs and nervous
the system. In the early years of the disease in some patients found sifiliti-
cal hepatitis (liver) and manifestations of "hidden" meningitis.
In the treatment they will quickly pass. Much less, in 5 years or more,
in these organs are sometimes formed seal or gum, such as fuss-
which arise on the skin.
Most often affects the aorta and heart. Formed syphilitic
aortic aneurysm, at some part of this important life-vessel
its diameter dramatically expands the bag is formed with a strongly thinned
wall (an aneurysm). Aneurysm rupture leads to instant death. Patho-
logical process can also "crawl" to the aorta at the mouth of the coronary
vessels feeding the heart muscle, and then there are bouts of angina-
DII, which are not removed are usually used for this means. In
some cases, syphilis causes of myocardial infarction. Even at
early stages of the disease may develop syphilitic meningitis,
meningoencephalitis, a sharp increase in intracranial pressure, stroke of
complete or partial paralysis, etc. These phenomena are very heavy rare-
ki and, fortunately, quite well to treatment.
Late lesions (dorsal tabes, progressive paralysis). Arises-
poop, if a person is not treated or treated badly. In tabes dorsalis pale-
Nye treponema affects the spinal cord. Patients suffering from bouts of the East
ryh excruciating pain. The skin loses its sensitivity so that
they may not feel the burn and draw attention only to the damage-
of the skin. Gait changes, becomes a "duck", appears at first
difficulty urinating, and later incontinence. Oso-
particularly difficult to defeat the optic nerve occurs in a short time
leading to blindness. May develop gross deformation of large-SUST
Islands, especially the knee. Found changes in the size and shape of the pupils
and their reaction to light, as well as the reduction or complete disappearance of the dry-
gut reflexes, which are caused by a hammer blow on the tendon below the
the knee (knee jerk) and above the heel (Achilles reflex).
Progressive paralysis usually develops after 15-20 years. This is irreversible
timoe brain damage. Dramatically changing human behavior:
reduced work capacity, varies the mood, decreased ability of
sity to self-criticism, appear or irritability, explosiveness,
or, conversely, undue cheerfulness, carefree. The patient bad
asleep, they often have a headache, trembling hands, twitching facial muscles.
After a while it becomes tactless, rude, lewd detected by
alive penchant for cynical abuse, overeating. His mental sposobnos-
ty fade away, he loses his memory, especially for recent events, the ability to
to the correct account with simple arithmetic operations "in mind" when
letter skips or repeats the letters, syllables, the handwriting is uneven
nym, sloppy, slow speech, monotonous, as it were "stumbling."
If left untreated, it completely loses interest in the outside world,
soon refuses to leave the bed, and with symptoms of general paralysis
death occurs. Sometimes when there is progressive paralysis craze ve-
differences, sudden fits of excitement, aggression, danger to others.
Vrozhdennyi syphilis. The child may become infected in the womb. Sometimes
he was born dead at 5-6 months of pregnancy or born premature
simultaneously alive. You may see the light and full-term baby with clinical
manifestations of the disease, or with latent infection. The manifestations of congenitally-
of syphilis is not usually occur immediately after birth and during the first
3 months of life. However, from the very beginning have been some especially
Nosta in appearance and behavior of a sick child, which "classical
České "cases is" a little old man. "It is with great dystrophic
head and little body emaciated, pale, earthy leather. He is restless,
cries for no apparent reason, poorly developed, not only gaining weight,
despite the absence of gastro-intestinal disorders. In the first days or
na few weeks of life of its palms and soles may appear bubbles (syphilis,
cally pemphigus), surrounded by a purple rim. The contents of their first
transparent, then it becomes purulent and bloody, and then tires the bubble
Rey shrivel in the crust. Around the mouth and forehead skin is thickened in some places,
becomes a brilliant crimson, the cry of a child or sucking-cracking
Xia, leaving scars that are located radially at the corners of his mouth. Often appear-
Xia spots or nodules on the trunk, buttocks, legs. In the field of friction
and the natural folds, they sometimes get wet, ulcerate. In the first weeks
life of the so-called "syphilitic rhinitis," the nasal passages
sharply narrowed, breathing becomes difficult, and sucking is almost impossible
You can, if carefully before each feeding did not clean the baby's nose.
In more severe cases, ulcers can form - not only in the mucous-
of the membrane of the nose, but also in cartilage and bone of the nasal septum.
At the same time it is destroyed, and the shape of the nose is changed ("saddle", "tu-
Sing, "" goat "nose).
The defeat of the internal organs begins in utero. Liver
increased in size, heavy, then it may develop cirrhosis.
The spleen, too, as a rule, enlarged and indurated. There may be severe
pneumonia, and then the child dies either before birth or shortly
after it. Less commonly affects the kidneys and other organs.
In congenital syphilis changed the bone. The handle or stem are immobile
Vision, as paralyzed as the slightest movement causes a displacement
deformed bones, delivering a sharp pain. In place of their offices, you
are all signs of fracture: swelling, pain, etc. These re-
crowbars have a special name by the name of the author, who described them: the pseudo-
doparalich (or false paralysis) Parrot. Major changes may occurs,
dit in the central nervous system. "Gratuitous" cry baby, inde-
independently of the meal - one of the symptoms of syphilitic meningitis. Mo
Gout attacks occur cramps, usually pass without trace, but sometimes
leaving behind a squint and paralysis of limbs, signs of
dropsy of the brain (hydrocephalus), leading to increased intracranial
pressure and increase the volume of the skull.
In our time a child is born with congenital syphilis often in
term with normal weight and no visible manifestations of the disease. At Em-
study can be found only an increase in liver and spleen, changes
bones (osteochondritis) and positive reactions for syphilis in blood. Sometimes
the latter are the only signs of congenital disease, which
ry then called congenital syphilis, latent. The disease can be
was first detected in the older age - after 2 years (late congenital
duced syphilis). During this period may damage the eyes, leading to rapidly
blindness, damage to the ear, accompanied by a sudden and irreversible deaf-
that, and change in the shape of the upper teeth (incisors). Characterized by a particular structure,
tion shins ("saber shin").
Syphilis infection scary. But even worse than they actually infect-
of the child. Therefore it is necessary first of all - to reduce the miniuma very prob-
bility of this. Often the husbands when the wife is "in position" makes it
lyayut a random, dubious connection, not realizing all the action from-
responsibility for the fate of the child. It happens that syphilis infected themselves
women in extramarital affairs, and daring to motherhood, do not realize
in the report. No need to risk the health of the unborn child. With the appearance of
Research any rashes on the body, some changes in the skin and mucous-shells
a check on the genitals, the mouth should be treated to a non-dermatologist
regardless of the results of blood tests during pregnancy.
Congenital syphilis in the past been widely used: in the early XX
century, children were up to one quarter of patients with syphilis. Have now been
congenital syphilis are uncommon - almost exclusively in the de-
children whose mothers are not registered in the antenatal clinic. If, however, for-
diseases found in time, with the full treatment in the first 25 weeks
pregnancy, the baby is born healthy. At a later date he
may be some or other signs of infection.
Some women who have undergone in the past, syphilis, afraid to have a de-
children. If treatment is carried out prior to pregnancy, and serological tests
turned negative, fears are unnecessary, but it is still necessary during the
pregnancy to preventive treatment, which prevents the excitation-
possibility of infection in the child.
Trnhomonnaz. This is a widespread disease fatal
accompanied by a variety of misunderstandings. Start with the name - for some reason
patients (and sometimes even medical professionals) called it "a fungus"
Although the pathogen that causes a disease unrelated to the fungi
no - it trichomonads, the simplest organism. Second, assuming-
poop, trihmoniazom that you get in the bath, basin, when cleaning the
unboiled water, etc. In fact, long been proven that
that infection with Trichomonas vaginalis occurs during sexual intercourse.
The only exceptions are little girls who are infected by
sick mother at birth or in the home in violation of sanitarnogigieni-
Political Rights care. And finally, the third misconception - that the trichome-
moniaz - trumpery disease that is easily cured or she will
itself - without treatment.
Symptoms and flow. Infection occurs in two thirds of cases with extra-marital
sexual relations. Women are the first sign of heavy liquid, hour-
a frothy yellowish whites, often with an unpleasant odor. In the non-
which, for example, in old age, isolation after intercourse
mixed with blood. Corrosive leucorrhoea contribute to the emergence of pain
genital area and vagina and cause a feeling of itching and burning.
There may be pain in the abdomen, in the lumbar region, with mocheispuska-
Research Institute, sex is so strong that sex is a non-
feasible. In some cases, the labia are marked painful
superficial ulcers. Sometimes the infection spreads to the neck of the matrix
ki, causing erosion on it, and inflammation. The women begin to experience pain
during urination, burning after it. With further progression of
process is possible acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus: there
abdominal pain, leucorrhoea worse, often mixed with blood, breaks,
Xia menstrual cycle. With the penetration of the uterine appendages in trichomonads
there is a lesion of pipes and testicles, which can lead to infertility.
Often asymptomatic trichomoniasis, unnoticed by patients. At
pregnancy, after childbirth or abortion, the common cold, with excessive sex-
tial activity, or taking alcohol may be a subtle form of trichomoniasis
go to the acute. That is why often a gynecologist can hear on the
admission: "I was infected during an abortion Gynecologists (birth). Before that, I
was healthy, then I began to have itching, discharge. "
The mysterious case where trichomoniasis diagnosed in virgins
usually possible to clarify when a confidential conversation with the patient, "Irina K
17 years, categorically denied sexual relations, and on examination proved to be
virgin. Only spent a few conversations with her face to face and over-
fought her trust, it was found that Irina, trying to keep financial
astrophysical chastity, had a single incomplete sexual intercourse,
dopuskayalish contact of the external genitalia with their partners
rum, which is subsequently found-axis, trichomoniasis was sick. "
In men, the disease begins with itching, tickling, burning, sometimes bo-
lei when urinating. There are discharge from the urethra, which can
be transparent or grayish-white, rarely frothy. Sometimes they
take the form of large transparent spherical droplet-like roll out
scheysya of the meatus, sponges, which are swollen, inflamed.
When latent Trichomonas urethritis patients complain of non-permanent
nye meager discharge from the urethra and then only in the morning in the form of drops (Fran-
tsuzskie venereologists called it "good morning"). Discomfort with
urination, worse after drinking alcoholic beverages, sharp
dishes. Perhaps the spread of unpleasant sensations in the glans
member, scrotum, perineum, rectum, the lumbar region. Often
these patients is long and unsuccessfully treated by neurologists from the radicals
Trichomoniasis in men can give complications: the head of the penis
red, the foreskin swells, and then wound on a limb formation, gall-
HN, and sometimes ulcers. When phimosis penis increases in size, Priobja-
acquires the shape of pears and becomes painful. Due to the swelling of his exposure
head is impossible. There are trihomonadnyh epididymitis, which
rye occur in 7-15% of patients. Some of them raises the temperature
tour, pain in the scrotum and testis. Trichomoniasis is a complication of inflammation of
tion of the prostate - prostatitis. In this case the man himself can of-
DAMI nothing to feel, not suspecting that he was sick, but to infect women
during intercourse. Sometimes prostatitis patients experience a feeling of heaviness
and blunt pressure in the anus, itching in it and in the urethra, pain in the
perineum. Often weakened eyesight, orgasm, premature begins
Noah ejaculation. When Trichomonas inflammation of the bladder patients
forced to urinate every 1530 minutes. Urination is accompanied
Xia sharp pain and release a few drops of blood.
Children are usually infected with trichomoniasis from adult sexual pu-
so. Approximately 32% of their associates inflammation of the urethra
channel - urethritis, in connection with what may appear painful mocheispuska-
tion. Girls - swelling and redness of the small and large labia and
hymen, itching and burning of the vulva, the vagina
draining yellow purulent discharge.
"Galya, 13 years old, a year ago a man was raped, sick with gonorrhea.
Then the girls are sexually transmitted diseases was found. After a half-
the year she started first period and after it appeared purulent
vaginal discharge, which she was afraid to tell his mother, fearing
re-examination by a gynecologist. Only six months later, the mother replaced
Tila on her underwear traces of purulent secretions. The girl was found, and gonorrhea-
Korea, and trichomoniasis, which "dozed" before the start of the menstrual cycle. "
Hlamidnoz. The disease causes chlamydia, parasites on the mucous
membranes of various organs. This is not a harmless infection suffer
2-3 times more common than gonorrhea. In men, can cause inflammation
urethra, prostate, epididymis, a direct
intestine in homosexual relationships, and even struck Notices of the joints. Do wives and soup
causes inflammation of the urethra, fallopian tubes and cervix
the uterus, changes in the structure of its mucous membrane, can cause
ectopic pregnancy w. Children from this disease lesions occur
of the mucous membranes of the eyes, lungs, ear, it can lead to death
newborns. Chlamydia is the cause of lymphogranuloma venereum in
adults becoming infected it is usually in tropical countries.
Symptoms and flow. The first symptoms usually appear four-
Res 1-2 weeks after contact with patients. Men usually complain of a merge
zisto-purulent, translucent or watery discharge from the urethra, itching
or pain during urination. Sponges are the urethra
slightly reddened, swollen, often sticky. In some cases,
symptoms are absent, although a person is infected, and the sexual
contact can infect your partner.
Over time, the itching in the urethra is reduced or
place at all, the allocation becomes negligible and usually observed
are only in the morning before the 'first' urine. However, this does not mean that the disease
passed, she moved from acute to chronic infection with the spread of
along the urethra.
Quite often there are lesions of the prostate. There are
discomfort in the perineum, rectum, drawing pains in the explanatory
Tse. Urethral minor mucous
or watery, usually in the morning. Another common complication
chlamydia in men is an inflammation of the epididymis. It is often starting-
naetsya suddenly. Temperature rises, the scrotum becomes edematous, co-
Miss her hot, red and tense, epididymis increases.
Sometimes the pain spread to the inguinal canal. Patients may be violated,
sewing the formation of sperm, develop infertility. Serious complications
neniem is Reiter's syndrome. In this disease, in addition to mocheispus-
boiler rooms channel affects the mucous membrane of the eyes and joints (usually
knee and ankle). Sometimes the illness lasts a few months.
In women, chlamydia usually parasitize mucosal urethral-
Ry and cervical cancer. There are discharge, itching, burning, frequent urge to mo-
cheispuskaniyu, muco-purulent discharge, pain, heaviness in the pelvis. Often
the infection goes to the mucous membrane of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Accompanied by abdominal pain, general malaise, increased tem-
temperature, menstrual irregularities, increased uterus,
slizistognoynymi secretions. Sometimes the temperature rises to 40shS. One-
However more than half of patients do not have any symptoms, and
so they do not seek medical help. Meanwhile, the consequences
this inflammatory process are serious enough - from infertility and out-
uterine pregnancy to preterm birth and the death of the mother during labor and
the child.
Nulliparous women with chlamydia do not have to use vnutrimatoch-
GOVERNMENTAL contraceptive devices (coils) as well as the use of the ACT-
own complication inflammation of appendages. It is better to avoid
the introduction of spiral suffered inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The reason for the sharpening of
tions of chlamydia in women can be sexual partners who are not
knowing that the sick, without end "give as gifts" of the infection.
Cytomegalovirus infection. Sexually transmitted. Pathogen -
CMV is found in saliva, urine, blood, breast milk, you-
divisions of the vagina and cervix, as well as extremely large if-
operation in the semen. Most often found in the genital tract of women with the disorder-
dochnymi sexual relations.
Cytomegalovirus infection in adults is common and usually
asymptomatic, with a slight degree of lung injury and ne-
Cheney, usually without jaundice, resembling a mild form of hepatitis. Zara
zhennye can excrete the virus through saliva (up to 4 weeks) and urine (up to 2
Children infected in utero from the mother. One of thousands of newborns
have serious complications that can lead to either death of the fetus in
uterus, or cause congenital malformations.
Scabies. Contagious disease that is spread by close contact
with the patient, in most cases, sexually, or when sleeping in the same
bed. The connection between the rising incidence of scabies and vein-
trigonometric diseases in sexually active age group of 16-29 years.
Sexual partner is often a source of infection, but in-
shows venereal disease scabies is not true, as the agent
parasite on the skin and sexual contact only condition is closely con-
Simptolsh. As the name implies, the patient itchy skin, espe-
especially in the evening and at night. In the hands itch visible moves - Wavy
whitish or gray, slightly rising line. Often the end of their ends at
ting a transparent bubble. In addition to the moves, on-site bites the young
mites and small males appear similar to a blister nodules that
covered by scratching bloody crusts. Constant distribution
chesy damaging the skin, promote the penetration of microbes in it and bend-
Scabies rash, besides hands (especially between the toes), has-
Xia palms on his chest (around the nipple, especially in women), abdomen, lago-
ditsah, the penis in men, behind the knees.
Treatment - see Sec. Skin diseases, section 5, Scabies.
Shankropd (chancroid, chancroid). Isolated cases of
disease identified in this country are related to the importation of infection due to
abroad. The main mode of transmission - sexual. The causative agent is a strep-
tobatsilla, easily detectable by microscopic examination ekssu-
the date of the ulcers. Pus of chancroid at room temperature, retains
dramatically to 8 days. The incubation period of chancroid in males
is 2-3 days, in rare cases up to 2-3 weeks. In women, this ne-
IRS is longer: up to 2-3 weeks. Characterized by the appearance of original
festering sores with a soft base, prone to inoculation on sexual op-
3-4 weeks after the formation of ulcers of the bottom begins to clear from the
pus, granulations appear after 1-2 months and the process ends
scarring. Immunity after chancroid remains. The disease can
complicated by the defeat of the lymphatic system, as well as the development of phimosis and
paraphimosis. Chancroid should be differentiated from the chancre, simple-
of herpes and other diseases.
Principles of treatment of sexually transmitted DISEASE
Treatment of diseases that are transmitted sexually, is held
after diagnosis and confirmed by laboratory-
s. Arsenal of drugs is extensive, but at present
time are the main antimicrobial drugs: antibiotics and
For the treatment of syphilis is the most commonly used drugs of fine-
penicillin, which is administered intramuscularly or endolymphatic. One time, there-
the exact dose and course chosen by the doctor individually, depending on the
stage of disease, age, weight, patient comorbidities.
The treatment duration from a few days to 1-2 months. In order to m-
rentiers full recovery after treatment for the sick conductivity
converges for a long (up to 5 years) clinical and laboratory outpatient observation
tion. The final conclusion about the cure of syphilis is made by specialists
Only after this period: patients are not prohibited then start a family
and have children.
For each of the specific drugs available and their testimony
contraindications. The most serious complications in the treatment of antibiotic-
tics is anaphylactic shock. Among other complications should be
keep in mind - toksidermii, dizziness, fainting, Trom-
boflebity, toxic and allergic conditions. In such cases, appoint
aptigistaminnye funds. In the case of intolerance to penicillin is used
erythromycin or tetracycline drugs (tetracycline, olitetrin,
doxycycline). Side effects of erythromycin are rare (sick-
she, vomiting, diarrhea, and prolonged use - jaundice). Tetracycline
should not be prescribed to pregnant women, and in the treatment of them in the summer should be of-
to run a long sun exposure because of the possible manifestations
of photosensitizing action.
Bismuth preparations used in the later stages of syphilis, they are administered
simultaneously with antibiotics. Side effects are rare, they
usually limited to the advent of the so-called bismuth fringe - a narrow strip
gray on the edge of the dental gums, as well as bismuth cells in the urine -
degenerated renal epithelium.
Iodine is not acting on the pale treponemes, is only a subsidiary
means of contributing to the resorption of infiltrates and assigned to the ne-
reryvah between treatments, as well as nocturnal pains in the joints, the braid-
tyah. 3-5% solution of potassium iodide is taken orally and 1 tablespoon three
times daily after meals, preferably with milk, soda or mineral water. In
some cases, iodine causes side effects - If the lesion-
zistyh membranes and skin (conjunctivitis, runny nose, swelling of the tongue, larynx,
bronchitis), gastrointestinal disorders, as well as toksidermii, often in
form of acne.
Although protivosifiliticheskaya drug therapy has a high ef-
defects, it is useful to combine with stimulants. This is
primarily relates to the later forms of the disease, the sick, have-
schim comorbidity, including alcoholism. The methods nespetsifiches-
What the therapy include: pyrotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, injection
biogenic stimulators (extracts of aloe vera, placenta, vitreous body,
splenin), immunomodulators (levamisole, diufitsin, methyluracil, piroksan
etc.), vitamins, especially C and Group B.
Outside of therapy in most cases not appropriate to apply to
It resorted to only in individual cases. Local treatment is reduced in the oc-
novnom to the hygienic maintenance of affected areas. In the presence of
large ulcer patient, multiple chancre with significant in-
filtrates prescribed warm baths, lotions with solutions benzilpeni-
penicillin in demikside, application of ointments "Atsemin" yellow mercury, Hepar-
new. To accelerate the regression of weeping papules on the genital parts, and about
anus recommend dusting of calomel mixed with talcum powder, or
ointments with antibiotics. In the presence of lesions in the oral cavity (papular-lang-
vennaya angina) - rinsing solutions rivanola, 2% boric acid or
grimitsidina (1 ml in a glass of water). Treatment of pregnant women and children, as well as
recipients (people who transfused the blood of a patient with syphilis) and treatment
preventive (to prevent infection of persons who were in positions
PTO or a close household contact with a syphilis) have their own special-
values ​​and are conducted in accordance with them.
Treatment of patients with gonorrhea and other diseases with a primary in-
urinary tract by expression (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureoplaz-
Ministry of Health) is venerolagami physicians and gynecologists. The methods vary
the cause of the inflammatory process, its stages, localization, type of in-
ductive and tolerability of drugs. Use a variety of anti-
biotics (penicillin, tetracycline, erythromycin, tsefalospariny, etc.)
sulfonamides (sulfadimizin, sulfaksin, Biseptol etc.) imidazole
drugs (trihopol, fazizhin, tinidazole), antifungal agents.
After the treatment should be up is up to several
months with periodic laboratory testing. The final recovery free-
rovlenie installed after the provocation - the means and the ve-
society, exacerbate the process. Duration of treatment: if the process is acute - bore-
How many days, chronic - a week.
Prevention. The surest cure for venereal diseases and
First of all AIDS - fidelity. After all, a truly safe
GOVERNMENTAL can be considered a relationship with one partner - monogamy, in
takes as loyalty to one companion for life. However, in real life
it is a rare exception. And the main threat to health are
communication with unfamiliar partners.
If you have noticed that the underwear is not clear what marred, or you
appeared discharge from the genital organs (sometimes with itching, pain or burning,
cm), frequent and painful urination, pain during sexual intercourse,
consult a physician.
This should be done when a pa body, head, mucous shell
framework of spots, lumps, sores, blisters, etc., hair loss, changes
Research in skin color. All are signs of sexually transmitted diseases pu-
so. Over time they can fade without treatment. However, the apparent-
esya improvement does not mean that the disease has passed, the appropriate
However, for effective treatment is missed. To avoid this
happened, you need to adhere to the following rule: if you suspect that
infection occurred, or after sexual contact with an unfamiliar partner, even
If there are no signs of infection, you should immediately seek
venereal diseases. Typically, the study helps to detect syphilis, veneriches-
Kia warts, genital herpes, gonorrhea of ​​the rectum and pharynx, but
infection, asymptomatic, diagnosis is difficult. For
This may require re-testing, and sometimes in the hospital. All
it is certainly unpleasant, but it seems a trifle beside the fact
unpleasant consequences, when the lost time.
So, if there are any suspicions should be, first, to-
raschatsya to the doctor (and not try to treat yourself or with friends);
secondly, to see a doctor without delay (do not wait until everything goes
itself), and thirdly, to address possible by a specialist
(So ​​as not to lose a lot of time to diagnosis), and fourthly,
to determine the nature of the disease do not take antibiotics (because it is
difficult to diagnose and promotes the development of resistance of micro-
mechanisms, compromising the possibility of cure).
And if any symptoms yet, but there was an accidental by-
lovoe intercourse and no measures were taken of individual prevention? Necessary
examined whether, at what time and where better to do it? Be sure -
either in the district kozhnovenerologicheskom clinic, or in paragraphs anonymous
Noah service. Single analysis is not enough, since the latent period
diseases, sexually transmitted infections can range from 2-3 days before
a few months. The first survey can be done in the absence of ka-
FIR or evidence of disease after 10-14 days. At this time, can be
gonococci and Trichomonas identified in smears, as well as information is received
infection with syphilis. The study should be repeated at 2-kneading
sample after a suspicious contact, when it gets a positive reaction
Wasserman function during infection with syphilis. If there is reason to fear for-
expressions AIDS, the study of blood is not advisable to carry out previously,
within 3-6 months after possible infection. Other diseases,
sexually transmitted infections (herpes, genital warts, catchy,
Indeed shellfish, etc.). detected only in the presence of symptoms of diseases

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